🌱 We introduced Oxo-Biodegradable Seat Covers across all our workshops, starting from November 1st, as part of our journey to Net Zero! ♻️✨

These seat covers are unique to Alpha Packaging, and after extensive evaluations, we chose them to bring a sustainable solution to the forefront of our business. With the support of our distribution partner, 
LKQ Bodyshop Division (UK & ROI), we’re proud to be among the first to bring this product to the UK—a true partnership effort toward a greener automotive industry. 🤝💚

Designed for multiple uses, these seat covers start to degrade when exposed to oxygen, breaking down into water and biomass. They’re both eco-friendly and cost-effective—making a positive impact for our teams, our customers, and our planet! 

We’re committed to leading positive change in our industry, setting a benchmark for environmentally responsible practices. Let’s keep driving towards a sustainable future together! 